Short Stories by Latoya Likambi di Latoya Likambi edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Short Stories by Latoya Likambi





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Descrizione Short Stories by Latoya Likambi

From life at home, birthday parties, and celebrations to life at school, in the pool, and the amazing talent show, you will find the very interesting and distinctive characters in this book working and playing together as a team, with some few and isolated exceptions of bullying and naughtiness, which are always challenged and reproached. The stories in this book convey important messages about the significance of trust, relationships, and teamwork. They encourage children to always work and have fun together as a team and be good toward one another and their teachers. Kasey is a prominent and friendly character in the book, and we see various occasions where she celebrates, plays, and works together with her friends. The author, Latoya Likambi is a very confident, eloquent, and inspiring 10-year-old from Liverpool. She wrote the entire first draft of the book, including the initial draft illustrations when she was only seven years old.

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