Sheading of Middle (Kirk Braddan, Kirk Marown and Kirk Santan) di George Broderick edito da De Gruyter
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Sheading of Middle (Kirk Braddan, Kirk Marown and Kirk Santan)


De Gruyter





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Descrizione Sheading of Middle (Kirk Braddan, Kirk Marown and Kirk Santan)

Volume 5 comprises the three central and eastern parishes of Kirk Braddan, Kirk Marown, and Kirk Santan. The material appears in alphabetical form with discussion of any problems of interpretation and a listing of the elements making up the names. This volume yields name-forms and elements not found in Manx literature or dictionaries. As all but a handful of names predate the Scandinavian period (9th-13th centuries) and as documentary material from that time till the 16th century is largely absent, the testimony of place-names is important for the distribution of name elements reflecting the geography and showing patterns of settlement, whether Celtic, Scandinavian, etc, and for comparative place-name research in adjacent areas, particularly Ireland, south-western Scotland, and northern England.

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