She Walked Away di Jo Ann Atcheson Gray edito da Jo Ann Gray
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She Walked Away

(A Vampire's Tragedy) A Novel


Jo Ann Gray





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Descrizione She Walked Away

Gazing out across these dreary, gray waters as I feel the bitter aggressive wind in my pale white face. I can't help but wonder was it all worth it. Watching the waves crash brutally below me as I stand alone on the wet, damp rocks above. I try to imagine my life as if it were somehow different. Could I have made better choices, a different path? Seems so vague now. Seems like decades, this solitude. So many memories flooding my immortal mind... So much time has passed since that dreadful night in New Orleans. Truth does hurt sometimes. No regrets, really, for what I did, if you could call it regret, only for what I lost. Love was real, seemingly, or what I thought to be love... This is my tragedy...

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