She Rules di Rachel Renee edito da Balboa Press
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She Rules

A Must Have Rulebook for Dating


Balboa Press





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Descrizione She Rules

Dating is HARD! But not anymore! Rachel does all the dating for you and gives you all the secrets that will have him coming back begging for more. No more sitting around waiting for his calls. No more being dumped. These tested techniques will have him calling you non-stop and you will be the one doing all the dumping. Whether you're new to the dating world, tried it but had little success, haven't dated in a while, or recently out of a long term relationship and have forgotten how to date SHE RULES will help you regain your confidence and give you the tips you need to succeed. Get a hilarious look into real life dating scenarios. Discover all the tools you need to get what you want out of him. This witty, controversial, direct yet truthful and effective guide to dating reveals concepts to help you understand men in an entirely new way and how to keep the power in your hands. It's YOUR way or NO way!

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