"She Doesn't Sing Anymore" di Ernestine Williams-Burtley edito da iUniverse
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"She Doesn't Sing Anymore"

A Daughter's Journey With Her Mother Who Has Alzheimer's







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Descrizione "She Doesn't Sing Anymore"

Life is full of adventures that lead to various changes that often times make us realize how short life really is-The longer we live, it seems we've only lived a short time. As the baby boomers take the leading role in society, many are finding themselves as caregivers to aging parents. Ernestine shares her heartfelt and challenging journey with Alzheimer's disease as her mother's caregiver. Included is some background on the disease and its effect from a caregiver's perspective. Through her journey, she begins making note of the changes her mom faces and the effects of the disease on the entire family. As she writes, she reflects back on the earlier years, growing up as she profiles her mother in a loving way. She tells stories of how her mom loved to sing and write gospel songs; how she loved her family unconditionally, and now a woman who has no awareness of her family who loves her. Ernestine started her journey on December 25, 1997, and although her mom is now in a nursing home, the struggles of a caregiver/daughter go on; each day Ernestine hopes to again hear her mother's voice and to know her mother recognizes her.

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