Shadow World di R J Ziegler edito da America Star Books

Shadow World





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Descrizione Shadow World

AT THE FAR, FAR EDGE of the galaxy, an invasion of the Star Federation explodes into harsh reality. The Clamadorian fleet from an unknown civilization in the Large Magellanic Cloud strikes at the very heart of the Federation, taking several important politicians hostage, and escapes without a trace. Unfortunately for the invaders, two Galactic News investigative reporters, Charles Tyson and Karena Keel, are among the hostages. Sentenced to death, the intrepid reporters escape with the help of a group of radical shadow-like scientists into the immense cavern world of Kalamara. The cavern cities, populated by shadow-like beings, are on the verge of total revolution against their Clamadorian tyrants. Brought together by the closeness of their dangerous situation, Charles and Karena fall in love. Reluctantly, they join the scientists and rescue the Federation prisoners, but then are caught up in a fierce battle: a war for the very existence of Kalamara, the Shadow World.

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