The Shadow of the Tudor Rose di Wendy Leighton-Porter edito da Silver Quill Publishing
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The Shadow of the Tudor Rose





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Descrizione The Shadow of the Tudor Rose

This is the 13th book in the Shadows of the Past series, a set of time-travel adventure stories that feature three children and a rather special cat. In 1588, a plot to invade England and overthrow Queen Elizabeth the First is about to unfold. At this crucial moment in English history, four visitors from the future arrive in Elizabethan London. Twins Jemima and Joe Lancelot, together with friend Charlie and their talking cat Max, embark on their next journey into the past as they continue the search for their missing parents who are lost somewhere in the mists of time. Finding themselves tangled in a web of conspiracy, can the young time-travellers solve the mystery of the Tudor Rose?

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