Shadow of the Mountain di Cliff Graham edito da Baker Publishing Group
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Shadow of the Mountain






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Descrizione Shadow of the Mountain

Caleb and Joshua Roar to Life in this High-Impact Old Testament SagaTwo men were brave enough to tell the truth about what awaited the Hebrews in Canaan. This is their story. From the slave pits of Egypt to the efforts of an eighty-five-year-old Caleb as he drives out the last of the giants, Shadow of the Mountain is a vivid portrait of two of God's chosen champions, and a meditation on masculine mentorship and the challenges and blessings of growing older. For the sake of his new God and his loyalty to his friend Joshua, Caleb will not spend his twilight years resting, but taking the battle to the enemies of God's people until his dying breath. From his early days as a mercenary for Pharaoh in Egypt watching the Hebrews suffer under the yoke of slavery, all the way through a desperate fight with giants in the dark forests of the hill country, this is a story filled with epic battles, gritty intensity, and supernatural events that made Graham's Lion of War series a hit. Shadow of the Mountain is sure to ignite a love for the Old Testament in popular culture."Graham remains true to his mission to provide exciting stories based on men of the Bible. Readers will appreciate the adventures and gritty military feats; biblical fiction fans will better understand the hardships of the plagues that beset Egypt and the power of the God of Israel." -CBA Retailers + Resources"Graham is a writer who is able to take us into the minds of his characters....Although the historical references draw us into the life they led, the characters also remain relevant in helping us to follow God." -RT Book Reviews

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