A Shadow of Hope: The Mystery at Oak Ridge Stables di Kim-Briana Nguyen Lorine edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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A Shadow of Hope: The Mystery at Oak Ridge Stables

The Mystery at Oak Ridge Stables







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Descrizione A Shadow of Hope: The Mystery at Oak Ridge Stables

When a young girl named Kale and her parents are called to the "Oak Ridge Racing Stables", they have no idea that they were about to be involved in one of the greatest mysteries in the stable's history. Something is spooking the horses and making them too nervous to race, and staff members are resigning because of how the horses keep bolting and charging unexpectedly. The owner of the stables is worried that he might have to sell the horses and close down the stables, but Kale desperately wants to do something to help. Kale has always loved horses, but will that be enough to save the future of the stables or will the answer to the mystery lie in a gorgeous black stallion that seems to trust only one very special girl? Find out in this first book of the series A Shadow of Hope!

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