Seven to Seventy di Lavera Goodeye edito da iUniverse
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Seven to Seventy

My Journey Through Time







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Descrizione Seven to Seventy

In Seven to Seventy, author Lavera Goodeye chronicles her life's journey. She begins by relating how her grandparents immigrated to homesteads on the Alberta prairie before trains provided transportation. Her parents met and married during the drought and depression of the thirties. She and her two sisters were born during World War II. Religious turmoil, mental illness and tragic loss to suicide were all part of her young life. But she persevered, grew up and eventually established a family of four sons. As an adult, she experienced loss and found herself rebuilding her life while fighting for satisfying relationships. She created a business around the skills of her troubled second husband and discovered a talent for helping others to improve their self-esteem and competency while learning to deal with loss. She hoped that another degree would allow her to do development work, only to have those hopes dashed. Even so, she found new ways to pursue her mission to help others improve their lives. Today, Goodeye continues to ponder questions about suicide, addictions and fundamentalist religion. Through Seven to Seventy, she returns to family and roots to find satisfaction in aging. She recovers mobility after major surgeries and realizes that she enjoys her home and the people who are part of her life.

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