Seven Lights of Love di Margie Krest edito da Balboa Press
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Seven Lights of Love

Awakening to the Journey Home to Self


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Seven Lights of Love

Seven Lights of Love takes you on a journey into the authors physical and emotional pain and explores the process by which that pain transformed her life. The book illustrates the importance of self-love and self-acceptance as we face our shadows, be they pain, anxiety, depression, grief, or aloneness. By learning how to embrace, rather than ignore or reject, both the beauty and heartbreak of our own earthly journey (our humanness), we discover how to celebrate the beauty and heartbreak of others experiences, assist others along their paths, and connect with the mind/ body/spirit of all humans. Seven Lights of Love goes beyond the personal mind/body/spirit connection and explores the ways in which an awakening to self and our place on this earth connects us with others on this journey. Neither easy nor painless, this hero/ heroines journey of self-discovery opens us to the preciousness of coming home to ourselves and our souls purpose . . . and ultimately connects us to the oneness of the universe.

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