The Seven Decades di Jack Palmer edito da New Generation Publishing
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The Seven Decades





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Descrizione The Seven Decades

In a story spanning seven decades, war, murder and love become intertwined at the heart of Southfields, a once quaint and quiet village. Faced with unprecedented hardships, the locals look to unite to overcome the tragedies of war. However, secrets, scandals and revelations that shock the community prove to make this more complicated than anticipated. Is it bad luck or could the hearsay be true, is the village plagued by the mythical and mysterious happenings of the Welsh Road?" "A revelation of love, secrets and scandal from a once quiet village' Jack Palmer was born in rural Warwickshire in 1904, leaving school at 14 to become a tenant farmer. Concerned at the uncertainties of farming in the pre war period he to started a dairy business. After 25 years sadly the business floundered but this gave him the time to complete this book which had always been his ambition"

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