Set Your Sights di Ametra N Edwards edito da WestBow Press
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Set Your Sights

Kingdom Poetry





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Descrizione Set Your Sights

Set your sights On heaven realities, For you are on This kingdom journey. The world is filled with many distractions that include customs, traditions, ideals, religious and worldly observances, superficial values, entertainment, and earthly pleasures and possessions that can cause us to lose sight of our kingdom's purpose. When we are not mindful and intentional, we begin to conform. Romans 12:2 advises us not to get involved with these worldly practices, but instead to be transformed into the new creation in Christ by renewing our minds, setting our sights on the heavenly realities, and pursuing our kingdom's purpose. In a collection of inspirational poetry, Ametra Edwards interweaves prophetic declaration and reflection scripture with verse to capture God's heart and creatively express His voice. While encouraging believers to focus their attention above, Ametra's poems provide a spiritual platform for reflection, repentance, and renewal through kingdom truths inspired by the word of God. Set Your Sights: Kingdom Poetry shares faith-based verse that reminds believers to stay focused on what really matters-all things eternal.

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