The Seraph and the Erelim di Daryl Jenkinson edito da
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The Seraph and the Erelim






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Descrizione The Seraph and the Erelim

The realm of He'aeven has always been influenced by prophecies, but when one speaks of the end of everything, it will be a race against time to interpret what is written, and to save the multiverse. After fleeing the war in He'aeven, Ezekiel found himself on Earth. In order to survive he blended in, even making friends with the humans who had found him. But just as he was beginning to feel comfortable, he discovered that the demons had followed him to Earth. Now, a new war threatens to engulf the Erelim and his new friends. Meanwhile, the Archangels continue the defence of their home, and look to take the fight to the demons directly to slow them down and to determine their intentions. Another angel. a Seraph named Lahatiel is about to be pulled into the war along with them, getting closer to the demons than any other. They will fight to avoid, fix, or change their destinies. But can prophecy be changed? Or are their fates written in stone? Part two of the Salvation series, second part of Act 1

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