Seniors Housing edito da Springer US
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Seniors Housing


Springer US





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Descrizione Seniors Housing

Seniors housing improves the quality of life for an increasingly significant segment of the population. The number of people in the United States over sixty-five years of age is projected to double in the next thirty years, and the number of people aged eighty-five and over - the ones most in need of seniors housing - is projected to increase three-fold. The business implications of this demographic change are significant. This volume provides an introduction to seniors housing, and an industry analysis, with the ultimate goal of expediting needed investment. It provides information for industry analysts on product lines, complementary products, and substitute products. In addition, it examines buyers and their behavior; the growth potential of the industry; the growth patterns and determinants of growth; the economics of the different product types; and the market analysis techniques. Finally, an article on health care REITs and health care stocks investigates the performance of the larger players in the industry.

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