Semiconductor Physics And Devices: Basic Principles di Donald Neamen, Inc. Mathsoft edito da Mcgraw-hill Education

Semiconductor Physics And Devices: Basic Principles





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Descrizione Semiconductor Physics And Devices: Basic Principles

Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles, Second Edition, provides the fundamentals necessary to understand semiconductor device characteristics, operations, and limitations. Neamen's book reveals the fundamentals by establishing for the student a sound understanding of quantum mechanics and an introduction to the quantum theory of solids. This background permits the student to develop a deeper understanding of how essential physics, semiconductor material physics, and semiconductor device physics interrelate. Espousing neither the intuitive approach of many textbooks, nor the highly technical characteristics of handbooks, Semiconductor Physics and Devices: Basic Principles provides students with a resource that is engaging and understandable and instructors with a textbook that offers teachability without sacrificing technical exactitude.

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