Self-Care in Relationships di Julie Nelson edito da Balboa Press
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Self-Care in Relationships

Using Your Brain to Guide Your Heart


Balboa Press





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Descrizione Self-Care in Relationships

For each of us there is an association between relationships and self-care. We are all wired to interact and connect with others, yet we are not formally educated about how to care for ourselves throughout that process. Dr. Nelson can help you: Be intentional about practicing self-care both in and out of relationships Explore your values to guide your relationship choices Choose safe supportive relationships that feel good to you Preserve your energy and resources by avoiding damaging relationships Use effective communication skills to create the kind of interactions that you want Learn to manage grief when relationships change In Self-Care in Relationships, Dr. Nelson guides you through the basic skills required to connect with others in healthy ways. This easy, sensible approach comes from a compassionate and personal place as Dr. Nelson shares the genuine experiences of real people.

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