Selected Atlases of Bone Scintigraphy edito da Springer New York
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Selected Atlases of Bone Scintigraphy





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Descrizione Selected Atlases of Bone Scintigraphy

Each volume in the Atlases of Clinical Nuclear Medicine covers one anatomic region or system. Each atlas is extensively illustrated with superb quality images and reveals the spectrum of normal scintigraphic findings as well as examples of both common and unusual conditions. Detailed figure legends describe the findings within each image, and most discuss the image's important teaching point. The text, which is descriptive yet concise, covers such topics as procedure technique, dosimetry, physiology, and scan interpretations. Selected Atlases of Bone Scintigraphy is comprised of four individual atlases in the areas of 1) Skeletal Trauma 2) SPECT Cross Sectional Anatomy of the Normal Spine, Pelvis, Hips, and Skull 3) SPECT Quality control 4) Normal Bone Scintigraphy and Indium-11 White Blood Cell Scintigraphy in Porous Coated Hip Prosthesis

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