Seeking Freedom and Justice for Hungary di Mike edito da University Press of America
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Seeking Freedom and Justice for Hungary

John Madl-Miké (1905-1981), the Kolping Movement, and the Years in Exile, Volume 1, Hungary and Germany (1905-1949)





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Descrizione Seeking Freedom and Justice for Hungary

Seeking Freedom and Justice for Hungary is the story of the vigorous Catholic worker movement developed in Hungary after the devastations of World War I, unique in the history of twentieth-century Europe. It emerged from the revival of the institution founded by Adolph Kolping, a contemporary of Karl Marx in Germany, to seek a Christian solution to the worker crisis brought on by the Industrial Revolution. The Hungarian plan envisioned a strong middle class of independent entrepreneurs and an economic system between Marxism and the monopolistic capitalism then dominant in Europe. It was reaching maturity when halted by Germany's invasion of Hungary in 1944 and then destroyed by subsequent Soviet occupation and Communist rule. The story is told through the life of its national leader, John Madl-Miké, whose experiences enabled him later in the United States to make original observations on American capitalism with vital support for the anti-Communist cause. Book includes a 16-page photospread of historical illustrations.

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