Seeker of Silences di Jussi Niittyviita edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Seeker of Silences

Contemplations of a Silent Mind





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Descrizione Seeker of Silences

A book that turns inner peace into an intimate experience instead of a distant dream. Seeker of Silences encourages a new perspective on life while diving into various aspects of being a human. These pages' unique and inspiring contemplations invite you to make yourself available to inner silence. This book is an investigation into the extraordinary essence of the ordinary. In the course of this investigation, your world becomes free of the constant chatter of thought. The struggle with a human mind that's never silent is allowed to cease. Deep peace and inner stillness unfold as silence arises from beyond the mind. All life ultimately fades into silence, from whence everything originated. Your salvation lies in becoming a seeker of silences.

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