Seeing The Exchange di Lynne Jordan Lynne edito da Westbow Press
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Seeing The Exchange





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Descrizione Seeing The Exchange

Freedom from anxiety & Depression. "I have learned it's possible to live free from anxiety, depression, and medication for both. Living a life filled with uncompromising authenticity does not have to cost you your optimism. On these pages, I share with you what I needed to learn and unlearn along the way." SEEING THE EXCHANGE is both a testimony and invitation. Written in vulnerable and heartfelt style, Jordan Lynne testifies to the luminosity and healing power of the Holy Spirit while inviting you into a journey toward freedom that changed her life. Each season of her story presents you with a quickening step in regaining authority over your mind and emotions. In this biblically rooted, encouraging book, Jordan guides you through how-to practically and purposefully move past disappointment, drop despair, and move with grief without losing hope. Now withstanding a global pandemic, the loss of loved ones and another re-route of her career, she illustrates how resiliency is found in surrender to seeing the exchange of your plans for a greater plan with a greater purpose. YOUR JOURNEY TO FREEDOM BEGINS NOW.

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