Secured Mobile-Business Software Model for Nigerian Airline di Olayemi Mikail Olaniyi edito da VDM Verlag
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Secured Mobile-Business Software Model for Nigerian Airline


VDM Verlag





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Descrizione Secured Mobile-Business Software Model for Nigerian Airline

Nowadays,one of the crucial deciding factors for the success of any organization in customer service delivery is the deployment of mobile business computing applications on ubiquitous customers' mobile handheld devices. Moreover, services that mobile devices are offering are getting wider and much more complex. In this book, Nigeria Airline Industry was studied and associated challenges of convenience, speed, and securities surrounding the provision of value added airline customer service delivery to airline passengers were identified. Secured and scalable mobile business software model for airline customer services passenger was designed and implemented to handle identified challenges using indirect method of mobile application development. The results from the tested software model on USA Windows Mobile Emulator and Back-end crystal reports show the usage of an effective mobile business model and mobile web services by airline operators in Nigeria as an avenue to create a sustainable competitive advantage for an improved revenue generation, increased operating efficiency, and provision of value-added customer service for airline passengers.

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