Secrets to a Happy Life di Bill Giovannetti edito da Baker Publishing Group
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Secrets to a Happy Life

Finding Satisfaction in Any Situation





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Descrizione Secrets to a Happy Life

Can you really be happy in ANY situation? YES!Contrary to popular belief, happy people aren't born happy. And they face difficulties as we all do. But they have discovered something the rest of us can learn--how to tap into a deep happiness that flows no matter the circumstance.Filled with practical advice and biblical wisdom, Secrets to a Happy Life shows how true satisfaction is anchored to the soul, safe from the disappointments and stresses at the surface of life. Drawing lessons from the remarkable life of Joseph, who was sold into slavery at a young age and endured much hardship, you will discover how to: - See all the ways God is working for your joy- Get beyond the negative emotions that hold you back- Find rest in God's goodness and control- View your life from heaven's perspective- Create--and tap into--your own deep well of happinessLife will always have its ups and downs, but with the life-changing secrets in this book, you can amplify and sustain the joy already inside you.

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