Secrets of the Museum di Roy Carl Weiler edito da iUniverse
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Secrets of the Museum







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Descrizione Secrets of the Museum

Cynthia Dobbs is dying. Despite her grave diagnosis, she refuses to give up without exploring every possible cure. Cynthia comes from a long line of fighters, and she is determined-she won't end her lineage. Family lore endures that Cynthia's great-grandmother was cured in 1906 by the illustrious Dr. Smith at his world-renowned cedar water sanatorium and health resort. Dr. Smith offered health and longevity through secret water tonics. Cynthia sets out for Egg Harbor City to probe the prospects. Egg Harbor City holds both hope and mystery for Cynthia as she arrives and opens up her grandmother's old home. As she settles in, though, she is both shunned and welcomed by the locals-some believe that her grandmother was a witch and that the house is haunted, while others quickly embrace her charming personality. Despite eerie incidences at her grandmother's home, Cynthia is undeterred. She dives into the museum's memorabilia, where she meets Kyle Dwyer, a man fighting his own decades-old demons. Join Cynthia and Kyle as they dig deep into the museum's archives, their romance blossoms, and the mystery of the tonics deepens.

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