Secrets Of A Maverick Manager di Richard May edito da Austin Macauley Publishers
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Secrets Of A Maverick Manager

How Questioning The Status Quo Transforms Business Supply Performance.





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Descrizione Secrets Of A Maverick Manager

Discover the secret to successful projects with Richard May's insightful guide. Despite receiving approval, projects can still face unexpected turbulence. This often stems from not asking the right questions at the beginning. Drawing on his vast business and procurement expertise, May takes readers through revealing case studies, personal experiences, and anecdotes to shed light on the crucial "cornerstone questions." Business professionals, whether in the private or public sector, will benefit from May's practical approaches, which apply to all levels of project management and activities where external resources are critical to success. Learn how to implement these vital questions into your executive thinking, avoiding turbulence and ensuring project success. "Anybody can ask questions, but not quite in the way Richard May does." Dr. Richard Russill, author of Purchasing Power and Route 42.

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