Secrets of Elemental Quilting: Innovative Quilting Designs Plus Trapunto Tips & Tricks [With DVD] di Karen McTavish edito da On-Word Bound Books

Secrets of Elemental Quilting: Innovative Quilting Designs Plus Trapunto Tips & Tricks [With DVD]





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Descrizione Secrets of Elemental Quilting: Innovative Quilting Designs Plus Trapunto Tips & Tricks [With DVD]

Focusing on design rather than technique, this guide demonstrates how a motif can be rotated, reflected, or repeated to create an entirely new quilt pattern. Thirty base elements are provided in several sizes for easy tracing, scanning, or photocopying, and step-by-step instructions explain how to arrange copies of the chosen element to create border, corner, block, or frame designs. Illustrations show examples of assembled patterns, and the last chapter provides directions for adding trapunto, a padding technique that adds depth and definition. The DVD counterpart brings the discussion to life as the author creates a custom quilt design based on a single geometric figure, marks a quilt top, and demonstrates three different trapunto projects.

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€ 23.10

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