The Secret of Mill Creek Raceway di Becky Coelho edito da
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The Secret of Mill Creek Raceway






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Descrizione The Secret of Mill Creek Raceway

Adam had 2 dreams. One was to win the IMCA championship. The other was of a woman that haunted him. He was doing great on the IMCA circuit in the Midwest winning races at Burlington, Quincy, and the Quad Cities. One night after working on his car, he saw a woman on turn four of the track at Mill Creek. Was she real or just another dream? Adam couldn't make her out very well so he walked toward her. She had long blond hair that was blowing behind her. "Adam," Vic yelled from the garage. "Adam, you out here?" Adam turned around when Vic called. He turned back to take another look at the woman but she was gone. "Maybe I'm just tired," Adam said as he started back to Vic. "I'm here." He called out to the boy. They told him she was a warning and he shouldn't race there. He didn't believe in ghosts. Find out if Adam wins the IMCA championship or if he finds his true love in the beautiful blond. Or if the secret of Mill Creek Raceway will stand in his way.

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