Secret Family di Arlene Fairley Marshall edito da AuthorHouse
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Secret Family







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Descrizione Secret Family

Like most seven year olds, Rene Gaithers' primary concern is playing games and watching cartoons. Her mother, father, grandmother and siblings are the center of her world. She is the lovingly spoiled youngest child and her world is perfect. But when Yo' Mama jokes start a school yard fight, awareness sinks in that there is something wrong with her treasured family. The truth is eventually revealed. Through her teenage years and into adulthood, Rene struggles with a sense of inadequacy and shame of being an illegitimate daughter in a Secret Family. Rene's dream is to have a real family. Despite using her parents' examples of want not to do, her relationships fail. Even her steadfast friendship with Kenny Sherman turns sour when they take things to the next level. Rene is left devastated by Kenny's unimaginable betrayal. Does true love really exist? If so, is she worthy enough to receive it or will the sins of her mother destroy any chance of happiness? Secret Family is based in part on the author's life.

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