Secret Daughter: A Mixed-Race Daughter and the Mother Who Gave Her Away di June Cross edito da PENGUIN GROUP
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Secret Daughter: A Mixed-Race Daughter and the Mother Who Gave Her Away

A Mixed-Race Daughter and the Mother Who Gave Her Away





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Descrizione Secret Daughter: A Mixed-Race Daughter and the Mother Who Gave Her Away

June Cross was born in 1954 to Norma Booth, a glamorous, aspiring white actress, and James "Stump" Cross, a well-known black comedian. Sent by her mother to be raised by black friends when she was four years old and could no longer pass as white, June was plunged into the pain and confusion of a family divided by race. Secret Daughter tells her story of survival. It traces June's astonishing discoveries about her mother and about her own fierce determination to thrive. This is an inspiring testimony to the endurance of love between mother and daughter, a child and her adoptive parents, and the power of community.

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