The Secret Adoption di Thomas F. Liotti edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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The Secret Adoption







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Descrizione The Secret Adoption

Just before the death of his parents, author Tom Liotti, legendary lawyer and judge from New York, learned that he was adopted. In his heartfelt autobiography, Liotti shares the amazing story of how this knowledge impacted his life, his work, and his legacy. Liotti traces the lineage of his parents, Louis and Eileen, and then delves into his childhood. From his first days at kindergarten to being a collegiate swimmer and eventually a famous civil rights attorney, Liotti reveals how his parents always offered encouragement and support through every facet of his life, loved him unconditionally, and shaped his passion for social justice. But it was the discovery of his adoption that altered Liotti's world, sending him down an uncharted path. He began searching for his biological parents, desperate to find his roots and know his heritage. No matter his findings, though, Liotti realized how each of us has limitless potential and that love has an infinite capacity to change the world. Gripping, honest, and real, The Secret Adoption brilliantly captures one man's incredible journey into the past and speaks to the resilience of the human spirit.

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