Searching for God, the Precious Treasure, in My Daily Life di Peter G. Vu edito da Ewings Publishing LLC
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Searching for God, the Precious Treasure, in My Daily Life





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Descrizione Searching for God, the Precious Treasure, in My Daily Life

In an increasingly tumultuous world, knowing God is by your side can make an enormous difference, bringing strength, comfort, and peace. In Searching for God, the Precious Treasure, in My Daily Life, Rev. Peter G. Vu helps you see God's presence in everyday events and find the encouragement necessary to thrive in times of challenge. Through prayer, acts of charity, and interactions with others, you will see that God is before you, behind you, and all around you, a benevolent guiding force to help you walk the path of the righteous. Rev. Peter G. Vu is a Catholic priest of the Diocese of Grand Rapids, Michigan, for twenty years. He was born in Saigon City (currently Ho Chi Minh City), Viet Nam. Vu was a young boy when the Viet Nam War ended. He witnessed the war and the end of it with great horror and deep appreciation for peace. Vu had to grow up with the communist government system and endure lots of hardship with them for over a decade. What helped him and many of his countrymen tremendously during those dark days was their faith and prayers. Hence, a love for prayers and meditations was able to blossom. Also, Vu was able to learn and exchange new ideas on prayers and meditations with many of his Buddhist friends despite having different faith traditions.

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