Searching for N di Alexander Fitzroy edito da
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Searching for N

A Collection of Number Theory Essays, Articles, and Short Stories






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Descrizione Searching for N

"Searching for N" is a captivating collection of articles that takes readers on a journey through the fascinating world of number theory and beyond. Written by a mathematics enthusiast, this book presents classic topics like prime numbers and divisibility, but also includes surprises like short stories, anecdotes, and informational articles on a variety of different subjects. Readers will find a diverse range of chapters that explore intriguing topics such as Concrete Calculator-Word Primes, Summation of Infinite Series, Zen Master Bodhidharma, Iteration Problems, Barbelo and Gnosticism, Artificial Intelligence, and more. Each chapter attempts to offer a unique perspective on number theory, and other subjects. By delving into apparently unrelated subjects, the author attempts to uncover the interconnectedness of mathematics with our surroundings. Whether you are a seasoned mathematician or simply curious about numbers, this book is sure to engage your mind and spark your imagination. But "Searching for N" is more than just a book on number theory. It is also a story of perseverance and passion for mathematics. The author, Fitzroy, struggled with the complexity of number theory and found himself unable to solve the most challenging problems. However, he refused to give up on his dream of contributing something to the world of mathematics. Determined to find his own path, Fitzroy turned to writing as a way to express his ideas and insights. He began crafting short stories that explored the mysteries of the human psyche, often incorporating abstract concepts and philosophical ideas into his writing. Despite his struggles with mathematical problem-solving, a few of his stories resonated with readers and were admired for their emotional power and insight. Join Fitzroy on his journey through "Searching for N" and discover the beauty and power of number theory, and the importance of perseverance and passion in pursuing one's dreams.

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