In Search of an Angel di Loreeta Gill Green edito da iUniverse
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In Search of an Angel







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Descrizione In Search of an Angel

My story is fictional, based on a true experience. At the scene of an auto accident that destroyed my car and left me injured, the first person who appeared was a woman unknown to me. She leaned into my car, called my name saying, ¿You will be all right; God is protecting you.¿ She was on her way to a ladies prayer group where she would request prayer. She continued to give words of comfort. I could not turn my head to look at her face, but I could see her from the corner of my eye. I did not recognize her voice. I felt truly impressed that she had come to me as a personal ¿angel messenger¿ to bring words of comfort from God the Father. I felt absolute peace as I sat confined in the front seat of my car, unable to move; that God¿s protection was covering me. Throughout the duration of my immobility, being unable to walk for about four months, it became my obsessed determination to find the woman; to express my appreciation for bringing the words of comfort to me that day, and for her prayers and those of her prayer group. I am in search of this angel. I maintain the hope of her someday reading this book and know that I am searching for her.

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