Science Fiction di Robert N Chan edito da iUniverse
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Science Fiction







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Descrizione Science Fiction

Dr. Evelyn Grossherin has discovered how to cheat death, but death is trying to cheat back. Will her lifetime of work be destroyed by her unwitting participation in a grisly crime? Will she find the truth before she becomes the next victim of a homicidal maniac? Is her only enemy her own paranoia? And what about Spencer Knoll, the slacker who has fashioned his repulsiveness into an oddly seductive charm? Is he an innocent dupe or a Machiavellian charlatan? The answers lie in the increasingly disturbed thoughts of a brain floating in a vat of amniotic fluid-thoughts only Evelyn and her bank of supercomputers can read. The brain, however, has its own agenda, one that involves melding science and fiction until the two are almost, but not quite, indistinguishable. All Evelyn can be sure of is that the truth isn't what it used to be. An off-beat love story peppered with hilarious one-liners from a character you hate to love and an ending that will knock your socks off, then wash and fold them, combine to make Science Fiction a must-read, instant classic.

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