Schweinfurt Raids and the Pause in Daylight Strategic Bombing di Greg A. Grabow edito da LIGHTNING SOURCE INC
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Schweinfurt Raids and the Pause in Daylight Strategic Bombing





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Descrizione Schweinfurt Raids and the Pause in Daylight Strategic Bombing

Avid readers of WWII air combat will find the Eighth AAF's strategic bombing mission #84 (the Schweinfurt-Regensburg raid on August 17th, 1943) and mission #115 (the Schweinfurt raid on October 14th, 1943) to be tremendous setbacks to the daylight strategic bombing campaign of Germany. As a result of the heavy losses the Luftwaffe inflicted upon Eighth Bomber Command's heavy bombers, the daylight strategic bombing campaign was halted for over four months. The Eighth AAF could not sustain such heavy losses, in both aircraft and aircrew, and remain an effective force. During the halt in the daylight strategic bombing campaign, only targets within fighter escort range were selected so Eighth Bomber Command could receive replacement crews, upgraded aircraft, revise its strategic bombing tactics, and review its daylight strategic bombing doctrine. This paper examines the daylight strategic bombing doctrine before and after the Schweinfurt raids to answer the question "After the costly Schweinfurt raids, the Eighth AAF paused to reset its doctrine; how was this doctrinal change accepted and what were the implications?"

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