Scenic Route di Donald L. Ball edito da iUniverse
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Scenic Route







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Descrizione Scenic Route

"Once you pick it up, you won't put it down. A new twist in every chapter. Move over James Patterson." -Sergeant Matt Zelinsky. Tuolumne County Sheriff's Department. Sonora, California. On an isolated mountain highway leading to California's Sonora Pass, Deputy Jerry Griffen meets Lauri Roberts at the site where her parents plunged to their deaths the previous year. After viewing a shoddy accident report, Jerry tries to convince Sheriff Owen Wheeler that what happened on the road that day was more sinister than a simple accident. Owen placates him citing budgetary constraints, but winks his eye at what Jerry could do unofficially. Covertly obtained information regarding Lauri, lack of witnesses, and no corroborative evidence are mere hiccups for Jerry as compared to Owen's decision to place Lynn Russell, a female detective and former love interest of Jerry's, in charge of the investigation. As senior detective, she wastes no time in driving a massive wedge between Jerry and Lauri alleging their growing relationship will cloud his judgment and feels justified in removing him from the case. To exonerate the woman he's grown to love, Jerry must devise a way to get Lynn off the case.

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