Scaramouche: A Romance of the French Revolution di Rafael Sabatini edito da INDOEUROPEANPUBLISHING.COM
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Scaramouche: A Romance of the French Revolution

A Romance Of The French Revolution





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Descrizione Scaramouche: A Romance of the French Revolution

Scaramouche is a historical novel by Rafael Sabatini, originally published in 1921. It was subsequently adapted into a play by Barbara Field and into feature films, first in 1923 starring Ramón Novarro, Scaramouche (1923), and a remake in 1952 with Stewart Granger. A romantic adventure, Scaramouche tells the story of a young lawyer during the French Revolution. In the course of his adventures he becomes an actor portraying "Scaramouche" (also called Scaramuccia, a roguish buffoon character in the commedia dell'arte). He also becomes a revolutionary, politician, and fencing-master, confounding his enemies with his powerful orations and swordsmanship. He is forced by circumstances to change sides several times. The book also depicts his transformation from cynic to idealist. (

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