SB 1070: A Case Study on State-Sponsored Immigration Policy di Ryan Murphy edito da LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
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SB 1070: A Case Study on State-Sponsored Immigration Policy

A Case Study On State-Sponsored Immigration Policy





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Descrizione SB 1070: A Case Study on State-Sponsored Immigration Policy

Along with the spread of ideas, finances and technology, globalization also leads to greater human migration. The number one destination for migrants is the US. At its peak, the undocumented immigrant population in the US rose to roughly 12 million in 2008. In recent years, many Americans have become concern with their perception of an out of control immigration problem. No place has this been more profound than the State of Arizona. In 2010, the State of Arizona took matters into their own hands and passed the country¿s strictest anti-immigrant law, known as Senate Bill 1070. This book assesses the origins of Arizonäs state-sponsored immigration policy. It attempts to identify the social dynamics within Arizona that contributed to the overwhelming public support for SB 1070. Since it has been a few years after the law was passed, this analysis determines what impact the law has had thus far within the state. Finally, it postulates the future of the state and federal immigration policy in the US.

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