Say Uncle di Garland Stewart edito da AUTHORHOUSE
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Say Uncle







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Descrizione Say Uncle

Garland Stewart's early life in Mississippi was focused on one overriding goal: to get out of Mississippi, because it isn't really the best environment for a gay man. After graduating from college, he accepted a teaching job in the Middle East. That was about as far away as he could get from the South and his family. When his third and final teaching contract ended, he decided to come home to spend a couple of months in Mississippi. He was between jobs and the time off would give him the opportunity to take care of his mother after she had surgery. Once he gets home, though, chaos ensues; after finding out that one of his sisters is an addict and an alcoholic, his mother gets arrested for "uttering" (writing bad checks). He makes the monumental decision to stay when he discovers that his sister Lynn's five children are about to be taken from her because of her addictions. He takes responsibility for the kids and lets his mother move in to help raise them. Written in a witty, folksy style, you will fall in love with the heart-warming and crazy characters in Say Uncle!

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