Say A Little Prayer for Me di Terry I. Miles edito da iUniverse
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Say A Little Prayer for Me







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Descrizione Say A Little Prayer for Me

In 1982, Sister Mary Catherine O'Neal, from Holy Sisters of Coventry Baptist Orphanage in Bonne Place, Louisiana, is murdered at St. Mark's Baptist Church in Moriah County, Mississippi. Now eighteen years later, young Sara Millicent (Millie) Forrester is found strangled in the old Winslow boathouse. Her uncle, Garrett Forrester hires his old college sweetheart, Private Investigator Bea Winslow to solve the crime. When Garrett's fiancée, Rachel disappears, Bea suspects the worst and when she discovers that Garrett is the beneficiary to the four-million dollar trust fund, she soon realizes there has to be a connection between the 1982 death and Millie's murder. Another death occurs, each time she unravels a clue. To complicate matters her Aunt Julia, whom she fondly calls "Aunt Jewels", an amateur sleuth, wants to help Bea solve the crime, but just when Bea believes she has the killer cornered, a shocking incident occurs and Aunt Jewels falls under police suspicion! Now, Bea is faced not only with solving the crime, but also keeping Aunt Jewels out of harm's way.again! This is the fourth novel in a series of six about Bea Winslow, P.I., a witty, wonderful heroine from Terry I. Miles, author of her Cozy Little Murder Mysteries. Exciting and captivating, Say A Little Prayer for Me is a heart-stopping story to get under your skin and haunt you.

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