The Savvy Ally di Jeannie Gainsburg edito da Rowman & Littlefield
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The Savvy Ally

A Guide For Becoming A Skilled Lgbtq+ Advocate





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Descrizione The Savvy Ally

The Savvy Ally: A Guide for Becoming a Skilled LGBTQ+ Advocate is an enjoyable, humorous, encouraging, easy to understand guidebook for being an ally to the LGBTQ+ communities. It is chock full of practical and useful tools for LGBTQ+ advocacy, including: ·Current and relevant information on identities and LGBTQ+ language ·Tips for what to say and what not to say when someone comes out to you ·LGBTQ+ etiquette and techniques for respectful conversations ·Common bloopers to avoid ·Tools for effectively navigating difficult conversations ·Suggestions for addressing common questions and concerns ·Actions for creating more LGBTQ+ inclusive spaces ·Recommendations for self-care and sustainable allyship This book will be useful for teachers, counselors, social workers, nurses, medical technicians, and college professors, as well as parents who want to be supportive of their LGBTQ+ child, but don't know how. This is not a book about why to be an ally. This is a book about how to be an ally. The goal of The Savvy Ally is to create more confident, active allies who are effective advocates for change. This informative, entertaining, and supportive guidebook will surely jump-start even the most tentative ally.

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