Savior from the Rain: Poetry Praising My Beloved Soul Provider di Lori Riggsby edito da Tate Publishing & Enterprises

Savior from the Rain: Poetry Praising My Beloved Soul Provider





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Descrizione Savior from the Rain: Poetry Praising My Beloved Soul Provider

Everyone goes through trying times. Yours may be a physical storm or an emotional storm. It might even be a spiritual storm. There might even be times of utter despair when you're hit with all three. But it's not the difficult situation that defines your life. It's what you do during those troubles that makes the difference. Will you remain in a state of anguish, or will you let your Savior provide you with the strength to carry on to the other sidea place of joy and delight? Journey through the storm with new author Lori Riggsby, and find your Savior from the Rain in this collection of poems that illustrate the power of God and his awesome ability to renew a broken spirit.

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