The Saving of a Reckless Freak di Juwon Obadofin edito da iUniverse
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The Saving of a Reckless Freak







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Descrizione The Saving of a Reckless Freak

In a world where the will of man plays such a massive role in the building of destinies, The Saving of a Wreckless Freak is an eye opener on the need and vantage of submission to divine will. At various points, the personal whims and lusts of Juwon do not only clash with the will of God in His life; they work against His very purpose. As a child of destiny, he starts in life, latching on to the pedestal of older ones. But he chooses to thread on the paths that are at variance with the purpose of God in his life. Though by parental vision, he is supposed to prove that God is above all, he is carried away by the inordinate lusts and perverse values that he grew to meet in society. His tragic travails come in triples. Myasthenia Gravis only accentuates the divine call that he defied all along. The divine call and a glorious advent in the prophetic bring him back to the platform of divine agenda, which he loathed much earlier. The prodigal lost all but the glory that awaited him back home with his father. Juwon writes as a witness to the miraculous grace of Christ.

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