Saurida Filamentosa edito da Betascript Publishing

Saurida Filamentosa





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Descrizione Saurida Filamentosa

High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! The Saurida filamentosa is a type of lizardfish or Synodontidae that lives mainly in the Western Pacific. The Lizardfishes (or typical lizardfishes to distinguish them from the Bathysauridae and Pseudotrichonotidae) are a family, the Synodontidae, of aulopiform fish. They are found in tropical and subtropical marine waters throughout the world. Lizardfishes are generally small fish, although the largest species are about 60 centimetres (24 in) long. They have slender, somewhat cylindrical bodies, and heads that resemble those of lizards. The dorsal fin is located in the middle of the back, and accompanied by a small adipose fin placed closer to the tail. They have mouths full of sharp teeth, even on the tongue.

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