The SAS Guide to Innovative Thinking in Business From the Battlefield to the Boardroom di Mark Gittos edito da
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The SAS Guide to Innovative Thinking in Business From the Battlefield to the Boardroom






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Descrizione The SAS Guide to Innovative Thinking in Business From the Battlefield to the Boardroom

If you're looking for a fresh perspective on business innovation, look no further than The SAS Guide to Innovative Thinking in Business: From the Battlefield to the Boardroom. This groundbreaking book draws on the legendary innovation of the SAS (Special Air Service), one of the world's most elite military units, and applies it to the challenges of modern-day business. With insights from SAS veterans who have honed their innovative thinking in some of the world's most demanding and high-pressure situations, this book offers practical, proven strategies for unlocking your own creativity and driving breakthroughs in your business. Whether you're a CEO looking to transform your company's strategy, an entrepreneur seeking to disrupt your industry, or a team leader trying to foster a culture of innovation, this book is packed with actionable advice and inspiring stories to help you achieve your goals. From identifying and overcoming cognitive biases to cultivating a growth mindset and leveraging data and technology to drive innovation, The SAS Guide to Innovative Thinking in Business offers a comprehensive roadmap for unleashing your own creative potential and driving meaningful change in your organization. With its unique blend of military and business expertise, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to stay ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced and ever-changing business world. So why wait? Pick up a copy today and start unlocking your own innovative thinking!

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