The SAS Combat Handbook edito da Lyons Press

The SAS Combat Handbook


Lyons Press





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Descrizione The SAS Combat Handbook

Over the past six decades, the British Army''s Special Air Service Brigade - developed during World War II as a long-range commando unit to attack targets deep in enemy territory - has more than earned its reputation as the world''s toughest fighting outfit. The SAS Combat Handbook is an action-packed guide to SAS tactics as well as those of other crack organizations, such as the U.S. Army''s Delta Force and Green Berets. Here you''ll learn how to employ tried-and-tested combat tactics in hostile environments ranging from the Sahara to the Arctic. Learn about: evasion, capture, and escape routines; health and medical skills; hijack and hostage rescue; landings and raids in hostile territory; navigation, combat tracking, and hazard avoidance; wilderness survival (from improvising tools to finding food). Also included are accounts of SAS actions worldwide, including key battles in Oman, the Falklands, and the Persian Gulf that reveal, in vivid, gripping detail, the heroism and skill needed to become an elite soldier. (7 1/2 x 9 1/4, 512 pages, illustrations)

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