Santa Claus Must Do His Chores! di Andy Wortlock edito da Splash Books
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Santa Claus Must Do His Chores!

A Funny Rhyming Christmas Picture Book for Kids Ages 3-7


Splash Books





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Descrizione Santa Claus Must Do His Chores!

It's Christmas time and Santa needs to help around the house before jetting off around the world to deliver gifts! Santa Claus Must Do His Chores! follows Santa Claus on his journey of pre-Christmas preparations - from washing dishes to feeding his pets...even taking a much-needed bath! Santa has chores, just like you! Oh, and there's some Christmas things you need to find, too! From award-winning and bestselling children's author, Andy Wortlock and illustrator, Nahum Ziersch, comes this funny picture book for 3-7 year olds that is perfect for sharing with little readers during the festive season. It will inspire laughter, spark imagination, and remind us all that Santa Claus has responsibilities to fulfil before he can make his way down the chimney. A hilarious rhyming story that will surely become a cherished part of your Christmas reading for years to come! Don't miss out on this delightful holiday read! Grab your copy of Santa Claus Must Do His Chores! Other books by Andy Wortlock and Nahum Ziersch: - Cats Don't Like That! - Cats Don't Like Christmas! - Cats Don't Like Dinosaurs!

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