San Fran Dhammaram Temple edito da Betascript Publishing

San Fran Dhammaram Temple





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Descrizione San Fran Dhammaram Temple

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. The San Fran Dhammaram Temple is the only Thai temple in the city of San Francisco. San Fran Dhammaram Temple was established on June 24, 2002 by Venerable Acariya Thoon Khippapanyo. Wat San Fran Dhammaram is San Francisco's Thai Buddhist Temple. The first location for San Fran Dhammaram Temple was on 11th Avenue in San Francisco. This location was provided by Ratima Chintanarod. This location first opened its doors on September 4, 2002, and the opening ceremonies were led by Acariya Thoon Khippapanyo and Praraj Wachirasophon.

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