Samuel Gross (Medal of Honor) edito da Betascript Publishing

Samuel Gross (Medal of Honor)





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Descrizione Samuel Gross (Medal of Honor)

Please note that the content of this book primarily consists of articles available from Wikipedia or other free sources online. Samuel Gross (originally Samuel Marguiles) (May 9, 1891-September 13, 1934) was a Private in the United States Marine Corps, 23d Company who earned the Medal of Honor for his efforts during the United States occupation of Haiti in 1915. Gross was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is generally believed to be the only Jewish[citation needed] Marine to receive the Medal of Honor. During the United States occupation of Haiti, he participated in battles against the Caco bandit insurgency. During the battle for Fort Riviere, he saved the life of Smedley Butler who also was a Medal of Honor recipient and was one of only 19 people to receive 2 Medals of Honor.

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