SAMI THE MAGIC BEAR di Murielle Bourdon edito da Collection Sami
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My Three First Adventures!: (Full-Color Edition)

Bourdon Murielle




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My Three First Adventures! (SPECIAL EDITION) SAMI, the magical teddy bear comes to the aid of children who feel alone and who are facing troubling events that occur in the course of their lives. (Sami The Magic Bear: The Best Christmas Present Ever!) Book 1 Today, Sami intervenes in the life of Jeremy and offers him support and helps him to get through these difficult times. (SAMI THE MAGIC BEAR: No To Bullying!) Book 2 Thomas is a very smart student at his school. He excels in Math and French, but because of this he is called "teacher's pet" and "Genius" by the basketball team captain, Victor, and his friends. After school one day, coincidentally on his birthday, he runs into Victor and his friends and gets bullied verbally and physically. He does not tell his parents or grandparents when he gets home, but instead chooses to enjoy the birthday celebration they all planned for him. After all, he could use all the love he can get. But an unexpected thing happened when he started to worry and cry about having to go back to school and face Victor and his friends. The gift from his grandparents, a teddy bear named Sami, comes alive and offers Thomas some advice on how to stop his bullying problem. What does Sami the teddy bear say to Thomas? Will it work? Will he ever be happy and have friends at school without being bullied? (SAMI THE MAGIC BEAR: A Trip to the Hospital!) Book 3 Laurie is a very active little girl. She loves school, but she has to keep busy all the time or she starts to fidget. She loves playing soccer and she's even the captain of her soccer team. So when Laurie suddenly lacks energy and her cheeks lose their rosy glow, her parents are understandably worried. They take her to see the family doctor and he runs a bunch of tests. The results are not happy news. Laurie has leukemia. She has to be hospitalized immediately and the only visitors allowed are her parents and they have to be thoroughly sanitized and gowned before they can visit her. Laurie becomes very despondent and sad. When her class sends her a big card with lots of messages and a special Sami Bear to keep her company, things start to improve and, with Sami Bear's help, Laurie is determined to fight her battle with leukemia.

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